The legendary lunchbox

Created by Bruno 3 years ago

Martin was going through his summer phase  of salads for lunch. Now this being Martin, this salad was the size of a breeze block! Being nosey as we all are, I was looking at his lunch on the day and saw he had some croutons in his salad  and I quipped;

Got some croutons today there, Martin?

"yes, yes....*mumble, mumble*" came the reply.

I thought they were awfully fancy looking croutons, so i had a closer inspection and furthered with:

"Where did you get them from?"

" martin replied with the name of a well known supermarket at which point , I realised they were NOT croutons.

"Mart, they're bloody mini pork pies!"

"No, they are bite size."

It was funny and it was a running joke forever more!

A true story by Phillip Tracey, Openreach engineer.